Single Sign On with client certificates

In a previous post, I detailed a trick to get complicated webapps working with client certificates. The problem this solves is that some combination of web sockets, service workers (and perhaps some demonic magic) don’t play nicely with client certificates.  Under some circumstances, the client certificate is just not sent. The basic idea behind the […]

Customizable e-Paper Information Display with 3D Printed Case

I recently finished a project which tied together a bunch of different tinkering skills I’ve had a lot of fun learning about over the last couple of years. The finished product is this: It shows me: The time Weather: current, weekly forecast, readings from an outdoor thermometer, and temperature in the city I work in. […]

Solar-Powered Outdoor Thermometer with Multiple DS18B20 Sensors

I’ve been pretty happy with how my ESP8266-powered outdoor thermometers turned out.  One of these has two sensors — one to measure ambient temperature, and one to measure the temperature of a hot tub.  It’s solar-powered (with an 18650 Li-Ion battery), uses a single GPIO pin, and never needs charging! DS18B20 Temperature Sensor DS18B20s* are […]