Single Sign On with client certificates

In a previous post, I detailed a trick to get complicated webapps working with client certificates.

The problem this solves is that some combination of web sockets, service workers (and perhaps some demonic magic) don’t play nicely with client certificates.  Under some circumstances, the client certificate is just not sent.

The basic idea behind the solution is to instead authenticate by a couple of cookies with an HMAC.  When these cookies aren’t present, you’re required to specify a client certificate.  When a valid client certificate is presented, HMAC cookies are generated and dropped.  If the cookies are present, you’re allowed access, even if you don’t have a client certificate.

This has worked well for me, but I still occasionally ran into issues.  Basically every time I started a new session with something requiring client certs, I’d get some sort of bizarre access error.  I dug in a little, and it seemed like the request to fetch the service worker code was failing because the browser wasn’t sending client certificates.

This led me to double down on the HMAC cookies.

Coming clean

When I call this Single Sign On, please understand that I really only have the vaguest possible understanding of what that means.  If there are standards or something that are implied by this term, I’m not following them.

What I mean is that I have a centralized lua script that I can include in arbitrary nginx server configs, and it handles auth in the same way for all of them.

The nitty gritty

Rather than using HMAC cookies as a fallback auth mechanism and having “ssl_verifiy_client” set to “optional,” I do the following:

  1. If HMAC cookies are not present, nginx redirects to a different subdomain (it’s important that it’s on the same domain).  This server config requires the client certificate.
  2. If the certificate is valid, it generates and drops the appropriate cookies, and the client is redirected to the original URL.  The cookies are configured to be sent for all subdomains of a given domain.
  3. Now that the client has HMAC cookies, it’s allowed access.  If the cookies were present to begin with, the above is skipped.

The setup has a couple of pieces:

  1. An nginx server for an “SSO” domain.  This is the piece responsible for dropping the HMAC cookies.
  2. A lua script which is included everywhere you want to auth using this mechanism.

This is the SSO server config:

And the SSO lua script:

An example of it being used:

Customizable e-Paper Information Display with 3D Printed Case

I recently finished a project which tied together a bunch of different tinkering skills I’ve had a lot of fun learning about over the last couple of years.

The finished product is this:

It shows me:

  • The time
  • Weather: current, weekly forecast, readings from an outdoor thermometer, and temperature in the city I work in.
  • Probably most usefully — the times that the next BART trains are showing up.

Obviously the same thing could be accomplished with a cheap tablet.  And probably with way less effort involved.  However, I really like the aesthetic of e-paper, and it’s kind of nice to not have yet another glowing rectangle glued to my wall.

I’m going to go into a bit of detail on the build, but keep in mind that this is still pretty rough around the edges.  This works well for me, but I would by no means call it a finished product. 🙂


This is made up of the following components:

  1. 400×300 4.2″ Waveshare e-Paper display module *
  2. HiLetgo ESP32 Dev Board *
  3. 60x40mm prototype board *
  4. Command strips (for sticking to the wall)
  5. Some patch wires
  6. MicroUSB Cable
  7. Custom 3D Printed enclosure (details follow)

Depending on where you get the components, this will run you between $40 and $50.


The e-Paper display module connects to the ESP32 over SPI.  Check out this guide to connecting the two.

I chose to connect using headers, sockets, and soldered wires.  This makes for a more reliable connection, and it’s easier to replace either component if need be.  I cut the female jacks from the jumper bus that came with my display and soldered the wires onto header pins.  I then put a whole mess of hot glue to prevent things from moving around.


I’m using something I wrote called epaper_templates (clearly I was feeling very inspired when I named it).

The idea here is that you can input a JSON template defined in terms of variables bound to particular regions on the screen.  Values for those variables can be plumbed in via a REST API or to appropriately named MQTT topics.

The variables can either be displayed as text, or be used to dynamically choose a bitmap to display.

My vision for this project is to have an easy to use GUI to generate the JSON templates, but right now you have to input it by hand.  Here is the template used in the picture above as an example.


The only variable that the firmware fills in for you is a timestamp.  Everything else must be provided externally.

I found Node-RED to be a fantastic vehicle for this.  It’s super easy to pull data from a bunch of different sources, format it appropriately, and shove it into some MQTT topics.  The flow looks like this:

Here is an export of the flow (note that some URLs reference internal services).


I designed a box in Fusion 360.  I’m a complete newbie at 3D design, but I was really pleased with how easy it was to create something like this.

The display mounts onto the lid of the box with the provided screws and hex nuts.  The lid sticks to the bottom of the box with two tabs.  The bottom has a hole for the USB cable and some tabs to hold the prototype board in place.

My box is printed on a Prusa i3 MK3.

3D files:

Tips on printing:

  • The top should be printed in PETG or some other slightly flexible material.  The tabs will probably break if printed in PLA.  Material does not matter much for the bottom.  Mine is PLA.
  • Both pieces should be printed with supports.  For the top, the recessed screw holes need it.  For the bottom, the tabs, lid tab holes and USB cable hold need them.

* Contains Amazon affiliate link

Solar-Powered Outdoor Thermometer with Multiple DS18B20 Sensors

I’ve been pretty happy with how my ESP8266-powered outdoor thermometers turned out.  One of these has two sensors — one to measure ambient temperature, and one to measure the temperature of a hot tub.  It’s solar-powered (with an 18650 Li-Ion battery), uses a single GPIO pin, and never needs charging!

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

DS18B20s* are great digital thermometers for DIY projects.  They’re about the same price as the more popular DHT11*, and while they don’t measure humidity, they have a really cool advantage: you can use multiple sensors on the same data pin!  They also support a parasitic power mode, which drops their standby power draw to close to 0.

Diagram showing how to set up DS18B20s in parasite power mode. Image from tweaking4all.


I updated the ESP8266 firmware I’ve been using to support multiple sensors, and added a nice web UI:

This allows me to push readings from multiple sensors connected to the same GPIO pin to different MQTT topics.  You can also push readings to an HTTP server.

The finished setup

In deep sleep mode, this project is suitable for battery life.  My outdoor thermometer uses an 18650 cell with a 5v solar panel and battery protection circuit.  I’ve never needed to charge it.  It’s been running for months.

Tips on power efficiency:

  1. Use an efficient voltage regulator.  Many dev boards use an AMS1117, which has a very high quiescent current.  You’re probably best off with a buck converter*, but an HT7333 or similar would be a lot better too.
  2. Use parasitic power mode!  Just wire Gnd and Vin on the DS18B20 to Gnd, and add a 4.7 KΩ pullup resistor to the data line.
  3. Disable any LEDs that are on for long periods of time.  I just used a pair of pliers to break the power LED.

I use a 3.5mm aux cable soldered to the probe wires to connect the DS18B20 probe to the ESP8266 circuit:

This is nice because it’s easy to add length with an extension cable or split the line with a standard aux splitter:

Here is a sloppy circuit in Fritzing.


  1. GitHub page for firmware
  2. DS18B20 datasheet

Components Used*

  1. 5V battery protection circuit for 18650 cells
  2. 5V 180mA solar panel (mine is actually 160mA, but can’t find the product link anymore)
  3. 18650 Li-Ion Battery (recommend getting Samsung or Panasonic)
  4. ESP8266-07 and Breakout Board (soldering required. Wemos D1 Mini works if you want to avoid soldering).
  5. Waterproof DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
  6. Buck Converter (not necessary if using Wemos D1 Mini)
  7. Optional: 3.5mm extension cable (cut in half, solder one end to ESP8266 board, other to DS18B20)

* Contains Amazon affiliate link